Emotion Code
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
What is the Emotion Code?
The Emotion Code is powerful, yet safe and non-invasive, and requires very little time or effort on your part. No dredging up the past is necessary, making it very cost effective compared to other types of therapy. It’s available for adults, children, teenagers, and pets.
Note: This is not talk therapy. If you prefer talking about your problems or issues, this modality is not for you. We do not talk about what is bothering you; your subconscious takes us directly to the Trapped Emotion we need to release.
The process
Using Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing, one is able to retrieve information from the subconscious mind. Muscle testing can tell us if Trapped Emotions are present in the energy body, and let us know the moment they have been released. The release of trapped emotional energy can help restore balance to your energy body and enhance your own body’s natural healing ability.
First, I connect to you energetically. Then, using the chart of emotions, the Trapped Emotions that need to be released are identified one at a time. Finally, each Trapped Emotion is released according to the Emotion Code protocol.
All sessions are done remotely and you will receive the details of your session in an email. Follow-up questions and remarks are welcome via email.
Possible after-effects
Some of the effects you might temporarily experience after releasing Trapped Emotions: Possible vivid dreams for a night or two. Feeling a little tired. You may want to take a nap after your session. Occasionally, you may re-experience some of the emotions that were released in your session for a day or two.
If you’re looking to learn more
Suggested reading: The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson
Schedule a session today to experience the long-lasting effects of this powerful emotional release technique. I look forward to working with you.
— Jodi